Thursday, June 26, 2014

Portion Control is Key!

     Sometimes the answer is smacking us right in the face! We all ignore it though. We shake our fist at the sky and ask passionately, "Why am I putting on weight?!" Then that little voice inside says, "Maybe you should not have gone for that 3rd plate!!"Now if you do not have that voice then you need help right now! Portion control is not something we should tackle alone. Ever. Having an accountability partner is so important. Step one is realizing there is no magic pill that is going to make your weight go away. Getting a free Health Coach with Take Shape For Life was exactly what I needed to beat the beast we call portion control!

     There is a huge difference in knowing what we WANT and realizing what our body NEEDS. How do we find out? Our body needs to detox for 2 weeks. We need to drink at least 64oz of water a day, limit our coffee intake, eliminate processed foods, carbs, and also cut out dairy. Then we need to introduce a daily regimen of 5 pre-portioned meals and one meal that includes a lean protein and fresh non-starchy vegetables. At first you will look at it and think it is not enough. Once you have a plan and get going you will then realize, "Holy cow! I have been over-eating all this time!"

     Now is the time to set some goals. Put them in front of you. Maybe a few of your goals really hit home. Things like grow old with my wife, be around for my kids when they have big life events, meet my grand kids, have a healthy heart, run a 5k, run a 10k, or run a marathon! Now take a long look at the dollar menu at your favorite fast food joint, or the long line at the local hot coffee spot, or that sweet all you can eat buffet. Before you order that large mocha chino camel shaken bumpy road iced late, ask yourself one question. "How will this help me meet my goals?" It won't. In that moment of weakness this is when you call your health coach and ask for guidance. Your coach is there to cheer you on and to help you over those rough patches of temptation!

     Are you ready to change your life forever? Ready to rock and roll with a free health coach? Want me as your coach? Follow this link and we can schedule some time to talk about the program and how we can get you on the road to being and living healthy! Cheers to you and here is to a happy and healthy life.

Wishing you all the best!


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