Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I wish I could do that.....

     Now that I am beyond the 100 pounds lost mark, a lot of people have been reaching out asking me what I did. I tell them about the Take Shape For Life coaching program with Medifast meal replacements and how awesome the program has been for me. Then I get, "Boy I wish I could do that." At that point I keep my cool on the outside, but on the inside I'm saying, "Hello McFly! You CAN do that!!" I was there, I have been at that point. I remember my mom trying to get me to just try her meal replacements, she even planned out a sneak attack meeting between me and her health coaches! Yes, I learned my mom's tricks early on. I still remember the day she wanted to see a ballet at the Palace Theater in Manchester New Hampshire. I thought we were just going in to see what was coming up for the next month or so. Before me and my brother knew it, an usher was escorting us to our balcony seats. I was not happy that I had to watch dudes prance across a stage wearing tights that I am sure were 20 sizes too small for them! So when my mom wants me to be at a location at a certain time I ask lots of questions.

     It was the fear of losing out on something I love. Food. What I did not realize at the time is that I had the wrong idea of food and its purpose in my life. Before I could start on any weight loss program I needed to be in the right mindset. I needed to be in a place where I wanted to do this and that I knew I could do it. I may have mentioned this before but I had applied for an increase in my life insurance policy. That way if something happened to me, Steph would be able to pay off the house and have a place for her and the kids to live. Because I was over 360 pounds at the time I got a rejection letter. That got me thinking. If I croaked tomorrow Steph would not have enough money to keep the house and her financial future would be tight for a while. A few days after that I was reminded of a promise I made to a friend who was dying of cancer. It was a couple weeks before she passed after a church service. She said, "Mike take care of your heart." You see, she had lost her husband to a heart attack. This got me thinking as to why I thought food was so important. Why did I always have to have the biggest rib or the biggest steak, heck even the biggest cookie! I had an addiction, and I never realized it until that moment.

     I was a person that used to say, "Boy I wish I could do that." or "I could never do that." as I sat on the couch stuffing my face with chips and ice cream while watching The Biggest Loser. The last thing some one that lives with weight wants to hear is, "Hey your fat, why don't you do something about it!" Yeah I was pretty aware that my cloths didn't fit right, or that I lost my breath climbing stairs. What I needed to be reminded of is that I can do anything I set my mind to. Wait what? Yes that's right, you reading this can do anything you set your mind to! The key is having a plan to follow and then stick to that plan! Stay true to the plan, be honest with yourself, and do not go it alone. Accountability is very important! That is why I have done so well with the Take Shape For Life program. The Medifast 5+1 Plan is all I am eating to make sure my body remains in the fat burning stage until I reach my goal weight. My coach is available to me 24/7 in the case I am feeling weak or tempted. No matter what don't go it alone!

     I was a guy who could polish off a box of Little Debbies Oatmeal Cream Pies, a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, a bag of Lays Sour Cream n' Onion chips, a box of pop tarts, slim jims, a medium pizza with extra cheese, Swiss Cake Rolls, and Hostess Apple Pie and Blueberry Pie all in one night and still want to eat more. Wow reading that list in my head sounds crazy to me, but that is how I used to eat. I did not care and I did not pay attention. If those around me didn't plant that seed, I am not sure if I would of come to the realization that my eating habits needed to change. So as I get closer to my goal weight I will continue to share the struggles and triumphs of this road to weight loss, with the hopes that my message will plant a seed to help some one see that there is no such thing as impossible. You just have not discovered how to get there yet.

Your friend on this Road To Weight Loss,


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