Friday, September 7, 2012

When you set your mind to it.

     One thing I have always heard people say is, "Do not even attempt weight loss unless you are ready for it." I never really understood it, and frankly it has made me angry a few times. I have known a lot of people who were ready but the main problem was how they ate. I remember one guy would tell me about his salad he enjoyed every day for lunch. Then one day I saw his salad and understood why he was not losing weight. Sure he had lettuce but he also had a 7 course meal on it for toppings! So how do you reduce you calorie intake without feeling full?

     To be honest there really is not a lot out there. I have tried many diets but what lacked from most was control. What I needed was something where what they give you is all you eat. The Medifast 5 + 1 plan was the best I could find, but before I agreed to the system I had to be 100% sure I was ready. I need to learn a new way of viewing food. I remember having some guests over for some steaks on the grill and some one took the biggest steak on the plate and I was irritated by that. I sat back for a moment and thought, "Wow what the heck am I doing getting angry over something so petty?" That moment I knew I had a problem and that I have had this problem for a long time. That was the moment I knew I was ready.

     When you set your mind to it you can do anything. Most of us heard this a lot growing up, sure mostly from Mr. Rogers but it is a very true statement. If you are struggling with weight loss, and by struggle I mean sneaking snacks. Just because you say you didn't does not make it true! You need to be true to yourself and be able to admit you can't do it alone. If you do not want surgery I highly recommend Medifast's 5 + 1 plan and teaming up with a health coach. This coming Monday I have my second weigh in, sure I am excited but I do not want to get my self too jacked up. The worst is working hard and seeing a plus or a big fat zero. I would be happy with even a -1. So far I feel good and seem to have more energy, did I mention that the food is pretty good? My wife has been doing an awesome job making my "Lean & Green" meals. The other night she made me some Tilapia and a nice fresh salad! Yeah she rocked it!


P.S. Below is a link to my coaches site!


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