Monday, January 21, 2013

The Big Stall...

     For the last 2 weeks I have been a little discouraged. I hopped on the scale and it still read 306lbs. I was not liking that because I had really ramped up my workout's. So I just kept going, doing about 2 miles on the treadmill every day and doing my arm's and upper body every other day. So last Monday comes along and what does the scale say? Yup a big fat ole' 306lbs. So I took a step back and tried to figure out if I was doing anything different.

     The first thing I did was contact my Medifast coach Arnold. This is exactly why they are there. I have to be honest I was not sure at first that his suggestion would work, yet sure enough it did! It was so very simple. I am on the Medifast 5+1 plan where I eat 5 Medifast meals in a day and then eat a lean protein along with only vegetables. Up until now I had been eating my "Lean and Green" meal at dinner. Arnold suggested starting with a simple change and have my Lean meal at breakfast or lunch time. Skeptically I chose lunch time and stuck with that change. Wouldn't you know he was right on the money! This week I lost 6lbs! Normally I only lose about 2lbs a week! So I am hoping this trend keeps up! It would be nice to have another 6lbs loss next week but would honestly be surprised if it happens for a second week in a row! Would be nice though!

     If you are reading this and doing the diet thing on your own I totally recommend working with some one that has been through this battle before. Claire and Arnold have been a huge help to me, and have both been through what I am going through. If you are like me and have tried Weight Watchers, Slimfast, The Fat Smash Diet, and many others with no success I highly recommend trying Medifast and signing up on Claire and Arnold's website. Now its off to the gym for me! I feel so strange looking forward to working out! :)


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